8.2 Change App Icons & Images

8.2.1 Change App Icon

The icon should be in .png format.

  • Go to the assets/images and delete the default icon (icon.png).

  • Now upload your app icon as png in the assets/images folder and rename it to icon.png

  • Now run the following command on the terminal:

flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

This command will create an android & iOS icons for your app.

That’s it. For more info, visit this site.

8.2.2 Change App Logo (For Light Mode)

The logo should be in .png transparent format.

  • Go to the assets/images and delete the default logo (logo.png).

  • Now upload your app icon as png in the assets/images folder and rename it to logo.png

8.2.2 Change App Logo (For Dark Mode)

The logo should be in .png transparent format.

  • Go to the assets/images and delete the default logo (logo_dark.png).

  • Now upload your app icon as png in the assets/images folder and rename it to logo_dark.png

8.2.3 Change Splash Icon

The splash icon should be in .png format.

  • Go to the assets/images and delete the default splash icon (splash.png).

  • Now upload your app icon as png in the assets/images folder and rename it to spash.png

8.2.4 Change On-Boarding Images

These images must be in .svg format. We have used images from the following site: https://storyset.com/. You can get the images from there too.

  • Select your 3 images and rename them to inro_1.svg, intro_2.svg and intro_3.svg.

  • Go to the assets/images folder and paste and replace with the existing images.

You can disable the onboarding screen from the app if you want. You can do that directly from the admin panel. If so, you don't have to do this step.

Last updated