3.3 Generate Debug Certificate

You need to generate 2​ signing certificates​ for the Google Sign-In & Mobile OTP Login feature. Debug certificate is required for testing purposes. If you want to test Google signing during development, then you should follow the steps. Otherwise, you can ignore it.

  • To generate a debug certificate, run this command on your terminal from your app

    root directory.

keytool -list -v \
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore

If this command doesn’t work, then go to this link and copy the debug command from there according to your operating system.

  • Use ​android as a debug password when the terminal asks for a password.

  • Copy both SHA1 & SHA256 certificate codes and go to Firebase Console > Your Project > Project Settings and click on the Android icon and then add the SHA1 & SHA256 codes by clicking ​the Add fingerprint​ button. Look at the picture below:

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