3.4 Generate Release Certificate
To generate a release certificate, You have to generate a Keystore file. To generate a Keystore file, run this command below from the root of your project directory.
Enter your details and remember the password. After this, you will get an key.jks Keystore file.
Locate this file and move the file into the android/app folder and copy the path by right-clicking on the key.jks file.
Then go to the android/key.properties file and replace the path of your Keystore file. Then also replace the password that you have inputted to generate the Keystore file.
Now you can generate a release certificate, To do that,
Run with replacing your alias_name and keystore_location.
Your alias_name is key and keystore_location is the path(directory) of the key.jks file.
After that, you will get a SHA1 & SHA256 codes. Copy these codes and add them to your Firebase Console > Project Settings > Android, where you previously added a debug SHA1 code.
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